

 Alexander Fleming, British physician and scientist famous for being the discoverer of penicillin, by accidentally observing the antibiotic effects on a bacterial culture, this bacterial culture was obtained by accidentally observing its antibiotic effects on a bacterial culture, it was obtained from the fungus penicillium notatum. I admire this person because thanks to his discovery of penicillin in 1920 he helped millions of people with his. Antibiotic because at that time people were dying from a simple cold like fever and penicillin managed to stop people dying from fever or other types of infectious diseases. What I like the most about him is that with something as simple as observing a mushroom culture he managed to create something so effective for the population, besides saving many lives in 1920 people were dying very young from simple colds which was also a contribution in increasing the age range of the population. Mushrooms are very important species, just as it was the cur


This picture brings back a lot of memories and I find it very tender, this picture was taken by my mom. He is my little dog, his name is bauchi, he is nine years old, in this picture he was only two months old, it was taken on May 24th, 2014. I was eleven years old and I was very happy because I was going to have a puppy, it was the first time I was going to have a pet in my family because my parents never agreed with having a dog or a cat. He was born from a litter of five puppies, his mother was rescued from the street. Animals are part of the family, living beings that feel and can give a lot of love and loyalty, it is unfortunate that there are so many pets on the street, that people abandon them or prefer to buy them than if they were clothes and even more regrettable that they make money with them.


 My favorite technology is the ipad because it is very practical, you can take it everywhere and you won't realize you are carrying it because it is very light, it has the perfect size. You can also use it as if it were a notebook, having your notes in one application. The best thing about it is that sometimes I get cold or tired so I study with it in bed.  it made my life much easier for my classes, since I can take notes on top of the power points explained by the teachers so I don't have to write everything down. I use it for studying, planning, taking notes, listening to music, watching series or read a book The ipad has helped me to make my studies more efficient. I would recommend using it if you have trouble getting organized and are a messy person because you won't miss anything on it.

Something I never imagined

  As a child my dream was always to dedicate myself to the area of fashion, designing costumes, I would also have liked to be a veterinarian because I loved pets, but as time went by I grew up and my tastes changed. In school I did well in chemistry and it was the only subject I liked to study. Chemistry and pharmacy was my first choice because besides chemistry it got me involved in the social area and being able to help people like animals. The university process has been difficult for me because I never studied at school but little by little I am adapting. I like more and more what I choose because I learn things that I never imagined I could do in so many areas, from clinical pharmacy to cosmetic technology

my environment

 Dear readers: I'm Francisca Meza, have twenty years old and i'm chemistry and pharmacy student. I love animals for which i do not eat meat, my favorite food is sushi and a raspberry cheescake . My passion is the roller skating. I like to go to disc and dance with my best friend Militza I live in santiago with my family, which is composed of five members: mom, dad, brother and puppy. My brother his name is nicolas, his have twenty six years old, he has green eyes and has brown skin. My mom's name is raquel she is pretty, she has 55 years old and is' a laboratory assintant. My dad name is alfonso he has  69 years old, he is pensioner. My puppy's  name is bauchi  he has 8 years old, is always by my side and we love him very much.